God alone is Sovereign

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Desiring God National Conference

One of the main things God has used in maturing me as a Christian during the last couple of years is John Piper’s ministry Desiring God and his preaching. The deep truths of God and what He is up to in this world, and how I and my circumstances fit into His great play has been an anchor that has been unmovable in my life, even when the waves of two heart surgeries for my newborn Anna Grace were crashing down all around me. I have learned these deep truths first from the Scriptures by the power of the Holy Spirit, and watched them be illuminated by John Piper to the glory of God. I am so forever grateful for Dr. Piper.

Let me put forward a question. If you thought the Living God who is the Cause and Source of all things might be speaking today, would you want to listen? Would you lend your mind and an ear to try and hear? I not only believe God has spoken (the Bible and creation), but continues to speak to this very day. He speaks through His prophets every Sunday when His prophets preach from His Bible with fullness and clarity. But, I also believe God has set apart a few unusual men to speak through to reach multitudes of His children. I believe John Piper is one of those men. He preaches with a trembling and awe of the Most High. With quotes like “if the Bible does not support and teach what I’m teaching, or if you do not see what I’m saying in the Bible, DO NOT BELIEVE IT” demonstrates he stands under the authority of Scripture – under the very authority of the Living God.

I think any person who truly wants to know God better and understand more fully what is happening in this world should read Desiring God. Something happens when you read, dig, press and work through a tough book. There is a blessing that comes from reading you just cannot get anywhere else. But I know some do not like to read, and hey look that’s ok. People who love to read are not the only ones who are blessed. God blesses all those who with a sincere heart seek Him in whatever way they can – prayer, media, etc. So below is an hour long crash course into Desiring God and Christian Hedonism. Be prepared to be challenged and stretched. I’m confident you will be blessed for taking the time out of your busy schedule to lend an ear.

My prayer for you –
Father in heaven, you are glorious and magnificent. Please bless whoever decides to listen or read Piper’s Desiring God. I pray lives will be changed when they see you are a happy and most joyful God. Lord, if there is error in any of this teaching, I pray you protect your flock and lead them not astray. May we as your children grow in Christ Jesus, in our joy and happiness in you, and may you be exalted in our joy for the glory of Jesus Christ beautiful name.

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Just click the this link.

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