God alone is Sovereign

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Latest Developments

Just wanted to let you all know that we are still on for the tv interview in the morning. However, there have been a few developments. My Mom... who is our designated quarantine babysitter..... has a co-worker with a child with the flu. So.... we have put my Mom on quarantine just to be sure she doesn't pass on any germies to us that she may have picked up at work. So... my hubby is now going to stay home with the kiddos tomorrow and I will be doing the interview alone. I'm disappointed my hubby won't be joining me tomorrow, but I am trusting the Lord that it is all happening as He designed it.

Another new development is that there is now a little snow prediction for us overnight. I'm really thinking it won't be much and shouldn't prevent me from going, but it seems to be just another complication to overcome.

With all that being said - I am still excited about the opportunity that we have been given to share Anna Grace's story and bring awareness of congenital heart defects. So.... tune it to Channel 7 at 10:00 am tomorrow.... maybe you'll be home from work on a snow day???


Jennifer said...

Praying for you, sweet friend! For Jesus to oooze out of you and for a powerful opportunity to speak not only of CHD's, but to give God some Glory too. :)
Love your guts!!!!

Kristie said...

Jennifer said it well. I am praying that you have a safe trip to Greenville and that you open the eyes of the public to CHD! Hope your mom is ok!