God alone is Sovereign

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Terrible Twos

My son is almost 20 months old and already he is going on terrible two’s. Zachary is our first son and we were really of the impression that the (MELTDOWNS-SCREAMING-WHINNING) would not start for at least a few more months. I have to admit I was really hoping that our son would skip the terrible two’s altogether, but that just does not look like it’s going to happen.

So what do you do? All suggestions are welcome on how to make it through this MINE FIELD without getting blown up or throwing our hands up and allowing our son to WIN. Really if you have suggestions please comment below.

I read something today that I thought was cute and it went something like this:

What is it like to have and raise a child?

It starts with a concept, then it becomes a dream, and then it begins to feel like a chore. Later you wonder how you could ever have been entrusted with something so great, so important. Soon you question what it will be when it is finished…You begin to ask yourself, “How in the world will I ever get this right?” or “How did I get myself into this in the first place?”

I would not give Zachary back for anything. He is truly a blessing from God even if sometimes I think he might be imposter and not really my child.


Anonymous said...

Praying this phase will pass quickly. So thankful that I have a wonderful God-fearing husband to face this time with.

kbhall said...

1. Learn from your first child and make changes on your second child. (Meemee is ready for another grandbaby.)
2. Don't expect everything you read in books to come true.
3. Bring him to our house every other weekend.....or once a month.

Zachary John Bentley is his own little person with his own little ideas. Isn't that just wonderful!
AND, really, isn't God so great to give us our little blessings to teach and challenge and help us grow into stronger and wiser adults.