God alone is Sovereign

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.

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Monday, April 9, 2012

Race Day Play-By-Play

Our Palmetto Heatrs 5K Walk & Run is THIS Saturday! I am very excited and nervous about the race coming together. As you can imagine with a race of this size, there are a lot of last minute details which have to come together and we are in crunch time!

My responsibility on race day, along with my precious friend Jennifer (who is NOT a heart Mom, just a super friend) is to arrive early... like 6:15 am, and set up the tent canopies in the festival area as well as set up the folding tables and chairs which belong in each of those tents. My very sweet and very helpful husband will most likely be the one setting up the tents (for the safety of the festival attendees)! He has enlisted the help of two other men friends who I'm sure wish that they had been asked to help with another task that didn't require them getting up at 5:00 am on a Saturday morning. Can you beleive that he actually got some of his friends to say YES?!?!?! Pretty great guys in my opinion! Also, going back to my sweet friend Jennifer, yes she will be getting out of bed at the crazy early hour on a Saturday morning as well. She willingly volunteered to help me on race day despite Working, being a Mom and a Wife..... yes she really does deserve the title of SUPER friend :) Complete with cape and all!

So myself and my husband and our possee of super-friends will be at the festival area very early on Saturday morning setting these tents up most likely before the sun comes up! (If you feel sorry for us and want to bring coffee - I like a Starbucks White Chocolate Mocha with Soy Milk and Light Whipped Cream).

So... you might be thinking right now... what is she going to do with their kids??? Surely they're not going to drag their kids out to set up tents at 6:00 on a Saturday morning! Well, you are right! I am excited to say that my Dad and Step-Mom will be flying in from Texas to attend the race and they will be at the house with the kids (hopefully sleeping) while all of the setting up and organizing is taking place. After everythig is set up, my hubby will most likely head home and help get the kids up, fed, dressed and to the 5K. (Yes, my husband is a completley totally wonderful man)!!!

After the set up I am considered a "floater" during the race to be assigned whatever area is short of a volunteer. Around 11:30 the whole thing is over and then my job becomes tear down and clean up. So, all the tents that were set up have to be torn down and returned to their rightful owners and then we have to pick up all the trash from the festival area and the race course. Whew.... I'm tired just thinking about it! Although I'm sure it will be a tiring day, what a blessing to be able to give to a charity who is here to help heart families through their heart journey - be it financially, emotionally or educationally - it is a blessing to have such a terrific organization in our State and I am thrilled to have played such a small part in their minsitry.

I will try to update after the race and add some pictures as well :) Hope to see you on race day!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Bright and early sweet friend, I will see you bright and early. I'll bring you plain old coffee(since I won't have time to get to starbucks and back to Duncan Park by 6:15!) in a travel mug, and I'll take my cape in RED. ;)
Love your guts!!!