In other big news this week.... Anna Grace has been approved for Synagis and will be getting her first Synagis shot next week! Hooray! For those of you not familiar with Synagis - it is an injection that helps her build antibodies to fight against RSV. It is not a vaccination against RSV (as there is not a vaccination available) but should she contract RSV it should make her little body able to fight it better and perhaps avoid a hospital stay. RSV is VERY, VERY, VERY (did I stress that enough) dangerous to heart babies so a Synagis approval is a very big deal to us. She will get one Synagis injection a month for 5 months beginning in Novmber.
Some news about Zachary...... You may remember in a previous post I mentioned that Zachary is taking swim lessons this winter. This is my attempt in giving him an opportunity to be around other children while limiting his exposure to germs - because let's face it - there is A LOT of chlorine in the pool! He has really been excelling at swimming and he really enjoys it too. On Wednesday - he swam his whole swim class without his swim belt on. That's 45 minutes of swimming all on his own. He completed 6 laps - two of which were on his back and also did some diving. He made it look so easy - he is a little fish. His swim teacher told me about a "kids" triathalon they do in the spring and thought that Zachary might enjoy it. I told Zachary what it was and asked him if he'd like to do it... his response....... "Ohhhhh.... I can't wait!" So, it looks like he's going to be participating in his first triathalon in the spring. Now - let me just elaborate a little about the race - for his age group it is only one lap in the pool. Two laps on his bike around the parking lot and one running lap around the parking lot. It's not very intense physically. I think the hardest part for him will be telling him after ONLY ONE LAP that he has to get out of the pool and go to his bike. I can see him saying "NOOOOO - I don't want to get out of the pool"!!!! Anyway. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!
So this week we were fortnuate to have Mimi come spend the night with us and spend some time with us. We took Mimi to our favorite place to go..... you guessed it... Milliken Park! She had never been there before so we had to take her. It was a blustery, chilly day but we had a blast none the less. Here are a few pictures from our day! Enjoy!
Mommy, Zachary and Anna Grace!
Mimi, Zachary and Anna Grace!
Mimi and Anna Grace!
Our Baby, Anna Grace! (yes, she needs a winter hat, some shoes and mittens - we're going shopping TODAY)!
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