Today was a big day for our Anna Grace. She had an appointment with Dr. R this morning (her cardiologist) and Dr. R looked at ther chest x-ray and said it looked CLEAR (thank you Jesus)! So, that means her Chylothorax is healed (???) and she can continue eating breastmilk (woo-hoo)! Dr. R wants to perform another chest x-ray in a month just to be sure there is no fluid accumulating around her lungs, but for now we have the green light to continue with the breast milk. What a blessing, truly. Her tummy is so much better since she has been drinnking breastmilk which makes Anna Grace a happier baby which makes Mommy a happier Mommy which makes us all a happier family!
He did increase her blood pressure medicine because her blood pressure is a little elevated. He said that as she continues to get bigger we will have to continue to increase her medicine, makes sense to me. Speaking of getting bigger, she weighed in at 10 pounds 6 ounces today at Dr. R's office. He said he was pleased with her growth. Accourding to the "statistics" she is in the 20% precentile in weight/size of "normal" babies so Mommy is happy that she is even on the "normal" baby chart :)
So, we see Dr. R again in 2 weeks for an echo (which we didn't have today) to be sure that things in her heart look OK. All in all it was a good day for Anna Grace. We are thankful.
Oh... for those of you who are wondering about how Anna Grace is doing with Babywise.... she is doing pretty good with it - I think she is starting to begin to get on a routine and although she would prefer Mommy & Daddy to do "pat patrol" after some fussing in her crib she usually settles herself down & is able to nap. Dr. R just said to use some discernment and that if she really gets upset to pick her up & try to soothe her. Sounds good to me!
Thank you all for continuing to pray for Anna Grace. Now we are just trying to stay well until her Heart Cath on May 10 & then surgery #2 this summer.
Oh... one more PRAISE to report... we received a letter in the mail today stating that Anna Grace was approved for TEFRA (the insurance for "special needs" children). We are SO VERY thankful for this. Whew.... thank you Jesus!
"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10