God alone is Sovereign

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Virus and Synagis and Flu Shots, Oh My!

Last Wednesday Anna Grace started running a fever. 102.3 to be exact. The only two times in her life she has ever run a fever that high has been with strep throat so I immediatley called our favorite pediatrician Dr. Y to go in for a strep test. I was sure it was strep. She didn't have any other symptom except not wanting to eat and having a high fever. So in we go Wednesday afternoon for the strep test - which surprisingly came out negative. Huh???? Dr. Y said he thought it was just a virus but to call him Friday afternoon if she was still running a fever. When Friday afternoon rolled around she was still running 101.7 so I called. The pediatrician felt like the best course was to start her on an antibiotic since it was Friday afternoon and for some reason her strep culture wasn't sent out for a 48 hour culture. Not sure why, I'm sure it was just a mistake, but to be on the safe side we started the antibiotic. Saturday she was still running fever but Sunday it stopped and then the cough started. Yep, there's a virus going around here that causes a yucky bad cough. Zachary and I both had it, but we never ran any fever - we just had a cough. Obviously she caught our virus and it just hit her more intensly than us. She is finishing up the antibiotics though just to play it safe.

Well, last week Anna Grace was supposed to have her first round of Synagis and her Flu Shot but she wasn't able to get either since she was sick and running a high fever. So, she is scheduled for Thursday morning to receive her Synagis - which if you remember from last year I have a love/hate relationship with. I love the added protection the medicine offers from RSV, but I hate the anxiety all of these monthly injections add to my daughter who already is terrified of the doctor.

I still have not made up my mind about giving Anna Grace the flu shot on Thursday with the Synagis as planned. After all, she is still recovering from a yucky virus and I hate to give her so much medicine all at once. Although, if she doesn't get her flu shot with the Synagis tomorrow that means yet another trip to the doctor for an injection which is going to cause more anxiety.

So.... I am praying the Lord will give me some wisdom and discernemnt with this one. I of course want what is best for my daughter and like all heart Moms we know we have to be our child's advocate.

Either way - it will be Synagis Thursday for sure.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Congenital Heart Defect Shirts

As you may remember me posting in the past, I am part of a committe planning a 5K Walk/Run fundraiser April 14, 2012 for Palmetto Hearts charity. Palmetto Hearts is a charity which helps heart kids and their families here in South Carolina. Our committe has been meeting and working on obtaining sponsors for our event, which I must say has been a little more difficult than I had first imagined it to be. Nonetheless, we have been able to secure 3 corporate sponsors thus far and are continuing to work on a few more before shifting gears and getting into the nitty-gritty details of the run planning.

One of the FUN things that our committee has been working on is designing shirts for children which we will sell at our "merchandise tent" which will be located in the "festival" part of the run. (Yes, we decided a fun little festival area to go along with our run would be nice for the heart families in attendance). So, we are only making a limited number of childrens shirts to sell and we are taking pre-orders for them because they have been in such demand. If you would like to pre-order one of these SUPER cute shirts for your heart baby or heart sibling or for your heart-healthy child to wear in support of our heart kids please e-mail your order to 5K@palmettohearts.org

The girls shirts are $20 each and the boys shirts are $20 each. The proceeds of the shirt sales of course go to Palmetto Hearts charity.

Here are pictures of the shirts and the remaining size inventory of each.

Remaining Inventory:

Size Number Remaining
18 Month*******2
24 Month*******9
XS (4-5)********2
S (6-7)********* 7

Size Number Remaining
18 Month********2
24 Month********3
5T************* 5

Friday, October 14, 2011

Family Pictures

We had something pretty special happen recently I want to share with you. There is a sweet and talented lady that we go to Church with. Her name is Marian Loftis and she is a photographer. She was having a contest a few months ago and asking people to nominate someone they felt was deserving of a free photo shoot. A friend of mine nominated our family and about 3 weeks ago I found out that we WON the contest. I was so excited because we haven't had any family photos taken since Anna Grace has been born - well, not professionally anyway. What a priceless gift to have won and from SUCH a TALENTED photographer as well. I was so excited! Well, this last Saturday was our photo shoot. Anna Grace was not really cooperating as her stranger anxiety was back in full force - but amazingly enough - even though I was pretty sure that a decent picture from the day would have been impossible.... Marian was able to get some amazing photos of our family. Here are just a few to share with you. So.... if you're looking for a totally gifted photographer for your family please check out her website. www.marianashleyphoto.com Not only is she talented she was so patient and loving with our kids - she is a special lady and we are so thankful for the priceless gift she has given us :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lots of Pictures

Usually I take pictures on my camera and then upload them to Shutterfly each week. When I do that I usually upload some to my BLOG as well, but as you know - I have been WAY behind on my picture updates. So here are a few pictures taken throughout the summer. Enjoy!

My Mom & Step-Dad celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this summer. I was so thankful to be able to share this with them. Happy anniversary guys!

Zachary began playing soccer for the first time this Fall. I'm not sure he likes the rules of the game, but he does love running around the field with his friends!

Doesn't he look big! Go Zachary - Soccer Star!

This was a quick picture I grabbed from one of our Heart Moms Night Out. Just some Heart Moms like me enjoying spending time together, encouraging each other and having fun!

Milliken Park- Anna Grace please stay out of the fountain!

Milliken Park - I love that I was able to capture a picture of the two of them together. It lasted only about 2 seconds and then they were off!

Milliken Park - Climing on rocks.

Milliken Park - Climbing on rocks

Milliken Park - Climbing on rocks... do you see a trend here?????

I had a quick visit from my Dad this summer. My Dad lives in Texas so he had quite a drive to make it here. It sure was great getting to visit with him even though it was short!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Birthday Pictures!

As promised here are a few pictures from the kids birthday party this last weekend. It turned out to be a COLD day if you can beleive that! Just some random cold snap that zipped through for the weekend. None of us were really prepared for the cold and the wind was gusting as well. We all made the best of it and the kids didn't seem to mind a bit! There were lots of friends and family in attendance which was so wonderful. Zachary and Anna Grace both had a terrific time!

As a Heart Mom I do not take for granted these milestones. I am always amazed at how far the Lord has brought our family. Seriously, 2 years ago I would have never dreamed that we would be partying at the playground with lots of friends and family and cake with two very active little children running around. Our family is truly blessed and I am thankful. Enjoy the pictures :)