God alone is Sovereign

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.

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Monday, July 27, 2009

Thought I was About to Die

Well that may be a little over board. But I really did have a scare last night while sleeping. Let me try and explain.

Right before dozing off last night I noticed it was raining slightly. Around 1am to 3am (I don’t have a clock) I was awaken from a deep sleep by thunder. Now when it thundered the storm seemed to be a little to my left, which would be the left side of my home. Now normally when I’m awakened by a storm (which is not often) I just go right back to sleep however, last night was little different because about 15 seconds after the first thunder that woke me another much louder and much, much more powerful blast thundered.

The storm had been moving from my left to right because the second thunder blast went off right over my head. And let me say it seemed the storm was only about 100 to 200 feet up. I thought my life, family and home was about to be destroyed. It was so, so loud - like an insanely loud bomb which caused my heart to faint and sink in fear. You know what I’m talking about right? I know I’m showing my weak scared little boy side. I don’t care it was a loud thunder even if my wife and 2 year old slept through it…

Anyway I remember thinking right when the thunder crashed something like this – Oh Lord, are You in this storm, and are You about to crush me – Then my mind wandered to God being full of powerful glory and He always does what is right and good, even in the midst and results of storms.

Well I’m still here so God did not destroy me but let me say one last thing. Yesterday I noticed a theme in my daily life which centered on this statement – Fear the Lord. That thunder crash which left me breathless is only a small, small glimpse of the overwhelming power, strength, and sheer force of the great I AM. HE is worthy to be feared and praised whether you’re under His grace or dead in your sins

Christ alone saves…

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