God alone is Sovereign

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Anna Grace - January 11

So, today didn't turn out as I had expected it would when I left the townhouse this morning, but I guess that is why Dr. Bradley keeps saying "we're taking it day by day". When I arrived at the hospital this morning they had just completed a chest x-ray and an echocardiogram on Anna Grace and had seen some fluid build up arounf her right lung. They then ordered an ultrasound to get an even better look at the amount of fluid surrounding her lung. Around noon they performed the ulutrasound and did see fluid around her right lung and basically the doctors said that they wanted to "watch it". So, before I left today I spoke with Dr. Bradley who said they would perform another x-ray and ultrasound on her chest in the morning - if the fluid remains the same or is less then they will leave it alone AND remove the RA line going into her chest. If the fluid is MORE then they will have to insert a chest tube & the RA line will remain. So... tomorrow is going to be a big day for Anna Grace - she will either be losing her RA line OR gaining a chest tube. Please be praying with us tonight that the fluid will remain the same or be less so that she doesn't have to have a chest tube inserted.

As for her food..... she remained on full feeds today - 25 ml per hour. Dr. Bradley said that she could start having her feeds "compressed" which means that she will start getting her food more like a "normal" baby. Working towrad getting food through her NG tube all at once and then going 3 hours with no food - just like normal babies do... eating every 3 hours. She had no vomiting or spit-up today which is a blessing and her residual amounts are in an acceptable range. She also had 3 bowel movements today which means that things are moving through her tummy as they should be :) She will probably one day hate that I ever mentioned her bowel movements on the internet...... but Mommy was VERY happy about it today so I thought it was worth mentioning :)

She really looked good today - nice & pink. She was awaake most of the day today and was happy most of the time, just looking around and checking things out. I was able to stroke her little head & sing songs to her. Since she still has the RA line I'm still not able to hold her, but I am hopeful that it will be one day soon.


Krisila said...

Praising our Lord for answering our prayers for Anna Grace's tummy and all its workings! That is great that she is tolerating the gavage feedings so well. And up to .25- just awesome!!
I will be on my knees tonight praying about the tubes. Rest well-she needs you by her- singing those songs-such comfort for her to hear her mommy singing!!!
I look forward to the Sunday night (hopefully not too far in the future when Randy and I have our turn in Bedbabies)when I get to rock and sing to her too!! Anna Grace is going to have an incredible story to tell of how God showed us Himself through her!

mom2lo said...

Praying for Anna Grace! God definitely has His hand on your sweet, precious girl and we all know He will continue to watch over her and keep her safe. You and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!

God bless!

Unknown said...

To God Be The Glory!!! He will keep working thru this little girl-- to keep us all on our toes of FAITH-- and PRAYER-- and she is going to be a little one one fire for HIM-- not long from today!! Enjoy each touch, each motion, each moment-- as for my one and only I have--I was too sick to see-really see the first 3 months... take it in-praise Him... and Pray His WIll be done---healing this beautiful child--sooner to hold her tight-with thanks to our King-for Giving her to you all! We love you!!
In His Grip,
Heather @AliveinMe my hubby is @flyingchristian Christian :) Chandler, AZ Cornerstone Christian Fellowship