God alone is Sovereign

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Zachary the Super Hero

I have to say that Zachary was a terrific big brother today. I am very humbeled by the fact that I see God growing a very compassionate heart in him. Let me tell you what happened.....

Brian and I have decided that we would enter the kids into quarantine beginning Monday (yesterday). Anna Grace's heart cath is next Friday so with all the respiratory viruses going around right now we thought that missing a few weeks of 4K would be fine. So, starting yesterday Zachary is home with Anna Grace and I.

Today Anna Grace had a scheduled visit with her cardiologist for a sat, weight and blood pressurce check. Since Zachary isn't in school this week he came with us. Normally I always schedule her appointments in the morning because let's face it... it's easier to deal with one child at the doctor instead of two. But today I had them both. So, when the nurse called us back Anna Grace of course started by saying "no". Great...... Zachary being the people person that he is was happy to go with the nurse and chat with her about his name, age and the bag of super heros he was carrying.

When the nurse asked Anna Grace to step on the scale she said "no". Zachary asked if he could do it and with his normal excitement he said "Watch me Anna"! So, we let him. After Zachary got weighed Anna Grace wanted to do it too. (29.6 pounds). Next was checking her Oxygen saturation level. She didn't want to do that either, but Zachary did (his was 99) "Watch me Anna". Then of course Anna Grace wanted to do it as well (hers was 77). Next was blood pressure. Now, here's where it gets sticky..... I'm not sure we've ever had an accurate blood pressure on Anna Grace and I wasn't sure even with Zachary's coaxing that Anna Grace would do it. So, Zachary went first and then Anna Grace stuck her little arm out to have her blood pressure taken too. She didn't wimper, cry or even pull her arm away. She stayed quiet and still the entire time. Wow! It was the smoothest appointment we've ever had. She didn't have an echo scheduled for today, but I feel pretty certain that if we had done one on Zachary first she would have let us!

So, I was very thankful that Zachary was there today and that he is so sensitive to how scared his little sister is and wants to help her. I truly am thankful for the compassionate heart the Lord is growing in him. So today, in my opinion, Zachary was a Super Hero!

As for Anna Grace, she doesn't have to see the cardiologist again until after her heart cath. Her next appointment is Tuesday with the hand orthopedist. You can bet I'll be taking Zachary with me!

This was taken at the cardiologist office today. Zachary is holding up two of his Super Hero Men and Anna Grace is pretend talking on her Princess Phone!

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